著名的蘇格蘭期刊The Expository Time於2010 Oct. Vol. 122(1)起,預計「連載」十一篇介紹當代神學(Contemporary Theology)的入門專文,以及一篇反思結論。
介紹文章為:〈當代神學的趨勢與走向:一個導介〉(Trends and Dicections in Contemporary Theology: An Introduction),由Dr. John Riches所撰。這一系列專文的目的是:
因此,其旨不在為某一特定神學立場辯論或證成,或是長篇大論地侃侃而談,而是簡單地勾勒一幅遠觀的圖畫,好讓我這樣的門外漢有機會一窺當代神學的樣貌(此誠乃福音是也!)。自Number 1-3已經刊載了三篇專文:what are the key sources of insight and understanding for such theologians; what is their understanding and use of the Bible; are there key events, experiences, contexts which have influenced the direction of any given group; which theologians and which non-theologians (philosophers, anthropologists, literary theorists, sociologists) have been most influential for them? [p.3]
- 〈自由神學〉(Liberal Theology, by P. C. Hodgson);
- 〈多元神學(們)〉(Puralist Theologies, by P. Schmidt-Leukel);
- 〈後自由詮釋學:敘事、群體和聖經的意義〉(Postliberal Hermeneutics: Narrative, Community, and the Meaning of Scripture, by K. W. Hector)。