2011年3月24日 星期四

Grünewald: The Crucifixion

之前常讀到他人提及巴特(K. Barth)的神學,就好比Grünewald這幅畫中的施洗約翰,用他的手指指向被釘十架的耶穌基督。

... if we ourselves tried to come forward in the posture of Grünewald's John as witness to this event, we should be alleging what one ought never to think of alleging, namely, that we have its reality as it were behind us, that we are based upon it, that we can refute others by appealing to it. The word "pointer" would then be just another word for "presupposition." ... Interpretation itself can only a pointer, not the discovery of the Holy Spirit or the Christian principle in the Bible, nor the mediation of the Word of God spoken in it.
K. Barth, CD, I.1 §7, pp.259-60.

