2010年8月2日 星期一

The Preaching Life II

Barbara Brown Taylor, The Preaching Life, 1993.  Chap.6 Worship

In every case, the first thing they [the sacraments] teach us is that we do not worship God alone. We need other people in our lives to feed us and forgive us, to touch us and bless us and strengthen our resolve. There are no solo sacraments. We needs one another. (p.66)

Sacraments are our road maps home. God may not need them, but we do, and while they cannot make something happen, at least they make sure that we are in the right place if it should. Sacraments work, but it is hard to say how. They change lives, but it is hard to say why. (p.68)


無獨有偶,若想要一窺崇拜每項程序的意涵,可以「參與」杜克大學禮拜堂(Duke University Chapel)的一場崇拜:Teaching Eucharist, by Sam Wells。
透過實際將崇拜的五個程序加以演繹與宣講,Dr Wells示範了一次極佳的「崇拜之後」(meta-worship)。

The Preaching Life

